Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Assignment 2

My code for my computer programming assignment 2. You been warned that reading it might cause ur brain in deeply stressed. Please use the compiler that have been post in the last post to get a clearer view on the program.

#include <iostream>

#include <string>

#include <fstream>

using namespace std;

class Account



        int acc_type;

        string acc_name1;

        string acc_ic1;

        string acc_contactNo1;

        string acc_address1;

        string acc_name2;

        string acc_ic2;

        string acc_contactNo2;

        string acc_address2;

        float acc_balance;

        int index_no;

        int acc_no;

        Account(): acc_name2("0"),
acc_ic2("0"), acc_contactNo2("0"),

acc_address2("0"), acc_balance(0.0){}

        int input_data(int index, int accNo);

        void display_data();

        void display_type();

        int s_to_n_convert(string x);

        float s_to_f_convert(string x);

        string display_accType(int x);

        int read_file();

        void errormsg();


int Account::read_file()


    ifstream read;

    char answer; ("Account.txt");

    if (


        cout << "\aFile not found!\n";


            cout << "Want
to create new file? (Y/N): ";

            cin >>

            if(answer ==
89 || answer == 121)

            acc_no =

            else if
(answer == 'n' || answer == 'N')

            return 0;


            cerr << "\aInvalid
respond entered, please try again!\n";





void Account::display_type()


    cout << "Account Type: " << endl;

    cout << "1. Personal Saving Account" << endl;

    cout << "2. Join Saving Account (AND signing)" << endl;

    cout << "3. Join Saving Account (OR signing)" << endl;


string Account::display_accType(int x)


    switch (x)


        case 1: return "1. Personal Saving
Account"; break;

        case 2: return "2. Join Saving
Account (AND signing)"; break;

        case 3: return "3. Join Saving
Account (OR signing)"; break;



int Account::s_to_n_convert(string x)


    char temp1[255];

    strcpy (temp1, x.c_str());

    int temp = atoi(temp1);

    return temp;


float Account::s_to_f_convert(string x)


    char temp1[255];

    strcpy (temp1, x.c_str());

    float temp = atof(temp1);

    return temp;


int Account::input_data(int index, int accNo)


    string respond;



        //cout << index << endl;


        cout << "Please choose the type of
account (0 to exit): ";


        if(respond == "0")

        return 0;

        acc_type = s_to_n_convert(respond);

        if(acc_type<=0 || acc_type >= 4)


            cerr << "\aYou
have enter a invalid choice, please try again\n" ;



    }while(acc_type<=0 || acc_type >= 4);

    if(index == 0)

    acc_no = 1000000;


    acc_no = accNo + 1;



    cout << "======================" << endl;

    cout << "First Customer Detials" << endl;

    cout << "======================" << endl;

    cout << "Please enter the customer name (0 to exit): ";

    getline (cin, acc_name1);

    if(acc_name1 == "0")



        return 0;


    cout << "Please enter the customer IC no (0 to exit): ";

    getline(cin, acc_ic1);

    if(acc_ic1 == "0")



        return 0;


    cout << "Please enter the customer contact No (0 to exit): ";

    getline(cin, acc_contactNo1);

    if(acc_contactNo1 == "0")



        return 0;


    cout << "Please enter the customer address (0 to exit): ";

    getline(cin, acc_address1);

    if(acc_address1 == "0")



        return 0;


    if(acc_type == 2 || acc_type == 3)



        cout << "=======================" <<

        cout << "Second Customer Detials" <<

        cout << "=======================" <<

        cout << "Please enter the customer
name (0 to exit): ";

        getline (cin, acc_name2);

        if (acc_name2 == "0")



            return 0;


        cout << "Please enter the customer IC
no (0 to exit): ";

        getline(cin, acc_ic2);

        if(acc_ic2 == "0")



            return 0;


        cout << "Please enter the customer
contact No (0 to exit): ";

        getline(cin, acc_contactNo2);

        if(acc_contactNo2 == "0")



            return 0;


        cout << "Please enter the customer
address (0 to exit): ";

        getline(cin, acc_address2);

        if(acc_address2 == "0")



            return 0;






        cout << "Please enter the amount to
deposit(Type 'exit' to return) :RM";

        string temp;

        getline(cin, temp);

        if(temp == "exit")

        return 0;

        acc_balance = s_to_f_convert(temp);

        if(acc_balance <= 0)


            cerr << "\aYou
have enter an invalid deposit,"

" please reenter again!" << endl;



    }while(acc_balance <= 0);



    char respond1;


        cout << "Is the detials above are
correct? (Y/N)" << endl;

        cin >> respond1;

        if(respond1 == 89 || respond1 == 121)



  "account.txt", ios::out|ios::app);

            read <<
acc_no << ";" << acc_type << ";" << acc_name1 << ";"

<< acc_ic1 << ";" << acc_contactNo1 << ";" << acc_address1

<< ";" << acc_name2 << ";" << acc_ic2 << ";" << acc_contactNo2

<< ";" << acc_address2 << ";" << acc_balance << ";" <<endl;


            cout <<
"Registration Sucessful!\n";


        else if(respond1==78&&respond1==110)

        cerr << "\aRegistration Unsucessful!\n";


        cerr <<"\aYou have enter an invalid
choice, please reenter again\n";




    return 0;


void Account::display_data()



    cout << "Account Detials" << endl << endl;

    cout << "Account No: " << acc_no << endl;

    cout << "Account Type: " << display_accType(acc_type) << endl;

    cout << "Account Balance: RM" << acc_balance << endl << endl;

    cout << "Detials of 1st customer" << endl;

    cout << "=======================" << endl;

    cout << "Name : " << acc_name1 << endl;

    cout << "IC : " << acc_ic1 << endl;

    cout << "Contact No: " << acc_contactNo1<< endl;

    cout << "Address : " << acc_address1<< endl;

    if(acc_type == 2 || acc_type == 3)


        cout << endl;

        cout << "Detials of 2nd customer" <<

        cout << "=======================" <<

        cout << "Name : " << acc_name2 <<

        cout << "IC : " << acc_ic2 << endl;

        cout << "Contact No: " <<
acc_contactNo2<< endl;

        cout << "Address : " <<
acc_address2<< endl;



void Account::errormsg()


    cerr << "\aRegistration Cancelled\n";



class date



        int year, month, day, hour, minute,
sec, dayweek;

        string dayofweek;


        void selectday(int day);

        void setdate();

        void displaydate();


void date::selectday(int day)


    int x = day;

    switch (day)


        case 1: dayofweek = "Monday"; break;

        case 2: dayofweek = "Tuesday"; break;

        case 3: dayofweek = "Wednesday";

        case 4: dayofweek = "Thursday";

        case 5: dayofweek = "Friday"; break;

        case 6: dayofweek = "Saturday";

        case 0: dayofweek = "Sunday"; break;



void date::setdate()


    SYSTEMTIME st;//


    year = st.wYear;

    month = st.wMonth;

    day = st.wDay;

    hour = st.wHour+8;

    dayweek = st.wDayOfWeek;

    if(hour >23)


        hour = hour-24;



        if(day > 31)


            day = 1;


            if(month >12)


month = 0;





    if (dayweek > 6)

    dayweek = 0;

    minute = st.wMinute;

    sec = st.wSecond;




void date::displaydate()



    //cout << "Year: " << year << endl;

    //cout << "Month: " << month << endl;

    //cout << "Day: " << day << endl;

    //cout << "Hour: " << hour << endl;

    //cout << "Minutes: " << minute << endl;

    //cout << "Seconds: " << sec << endl;

    //cout << "Day: " << dayofweek <<endl;

    cout << dayofweek << ", ";

    if(day < 10)

    cout << "0" << day << "-";


    cout << day << "-" ;


    if(month < 10)

    cout << "0" << month << "-";


    cout << month << "-" ;

    cout << year << ", ";


    if(hour < 10)

    cout << "0" << hour << ":";


    cout << hour << ":" ;


    if(minute < 10)

    cout << "0" << minute << ":";


    cout << minute << ":" ;

    if(sec < 10)

    cout << "0" << sec ;


    cout << sec ;

    cout << "(GMT+8)" << endl;


class AccountRead : public Account




        Account database[50];

        int read_file(int mode);

        int display_data(int mode);

        int search(int x);

        void menu1();

        int deposit();

        float withdraw(int i);


int AccountRead:: read_file(int mode)

//to read from customer.txt to array

//mode 1 is for create the textfile if it fails to find the textfile

//mode 2 doesn't create the textfile even if it fails to find the textfile


    ifstream read;

    char answer; ("Account.txt", ios::in);

    if ( it fails to open the text file


        if(mode == 1)//mode 1



            cout << "\aFile
not found!\n";


cout << "Want to create new file? (Y/N): ";

cin >> answer;


if(answer == 'y' || answer == 'Y')


ofstream write ("Account.txt", ios::out);//create Account.txt



else if (answer == 'n' || answer == 'N')

return 0;



cerr << "\aInvalid respond entered, please try again!\n";





        else if(mode == 2)//mode 2


0;//return null value as it can't found the textfile




    char temp2[255];

    ifstream file_op("Account.txt", ios::in);

    int i=0;

    while (!file_op.eof())//to read the textfile into array


        file_op.getline(temp2, 255, ';');

        database[i].acc_no = atoi(temp2);


        file_op.getline(temp2, 255, ';');

        database[i].acc_type = atoi(temp2);


        file_op.getline(temp2, 255, ';');

        database[i].acc_name1 = temp2;

        file_op.getline(temp2, 255, ';');

        database[i].acc_ic1 = temp2;

        file_op.getline(temp2, 255, ';');

        database[i].acc_contactNo1 = temp2;

        file_op.getline(temp2, 255, ';');

        database[i].acc_address1 = temp2;

        file_op.getline(temp2, 255, ';');

        database[i].acc_name2 = temp2;

        file_op.getline(temp2, 255, ';');

        database[i].acc_ic2 = temp2;

        file_op.getline(temp2, 255, ';');

        database[i].acc_contactNo2 = temp2;

        file_op.getline(temp2, 255, ';');

        database[i].acc_address2 = temp2;

        file_op.getline(temp2, 255, ';');

        database[i].acc_balance =


        i++;//to initiate the counter



    return i-1;


int AccountRead :: display_data(int mode)



    int x = AccountRead::read_file(mode);//to read the file

    if(x == 0)//if there is no records in the textfile


        cerr << "\aNo Records Found!\n";


        return 0;


    int i;



        i = AccountRead::search(x);//to
search the record

        if(i == 1000)

        return 0;

    }while(i >= 1000);

    //to display the result


    cout <<


    cout << "Account No : " << database[i].acc_no << endl;

    cout << "Account Type : "

Account::display_accType(database[i].acc_type) << endl;

    cout << "Customer 1 Name : " << database[i].acc_name1 << endl;

    cout << "Customer 1 IC : " << database[i].acc_ic1 << endl;

    cout << "Customer 1 Contact: " << database[i].acc_contactNo1
<< endl;

    cout << "Customer 1 Address: " << database[i].acc_address1 <<



        cout << "Customer 2 Name : " <<
database[i].acc_name2 << endl;

        cout << "Customer 2 IC : " <<
database[i].acc_ic2 << endl;

        cout << "Customer 2 Contact: " <<
database[i].acc_contactNo2 << endl;

        cout << "Customer 2 Address: " <<
database[i].acc_address2 << endl;


    cout << "Account Balance : RM" << database[i].acc_balance <<

    cout <<



int AccountRead::search(int x)


    cout << "Please enter the account no (0 to exit): ";

    string temp;

    getline(cin, temp);

    if(temp == "0")//to exit

    return 1000;

    int search = Account::s_to_n_convert(temp);//convert string
to int

    if(search == 0)//for invalid input


        cout << "\aNo record found!\n";


        return 6000;


    for(int i = 0; i <= x; i++)//search record


        if(AccountRead::database[i].acc_no ==
search)//for success search

        return i;//return the index no


    cout << "\aNo record found!\n";//for fail search


    return 6000;


float AccountRead::withdraw(int i)


    //to initiate the max amount to withdraw

    float maxWithdraw = database[i].acc_balance/10;


    if(maxWithdraw < 0)

    maxWithdraw = 0;

    int withdraw;



        cout << "Each transaction will charge
RM0.50" << endl;

        cout << "The balance is RM" <<
database[i].acc_balance << endl

             << "The
maximum amount that can withdraw is: RM"

maxWithdraw << endl << "How much to withdraw? (0 to exit) : RM";

        string temp;

        getline(cin, temp);

        if(temp == "0")//for exit

        return 0;

        withdraw =
Account::s_to_n_convert(temp);//convert string to int

        if(withdraw > maxWithdraw)//for
withdrawal that exceed the balance


            cerr << "\aDebit
amount exceed max withdraw amount.\n";



        else if(withdraw == 0)//for invalid
ammount that key in


            cerr << "\aInvalid
withdraw amount!\n";



    }while(withdraw > maxWithdraw||withdraw == 0);

    return database[i].acc_balance-=withdraw;//to get the balance
after withdraw


int AccountRead::deposit()



    int x = AccountRead::read_file(1);//to read the file

    if(x == 0)//if there is no records in the textfile


        cerr << "\aNo Records Found!\n";


        return 0;


    int i;



        i = AccountRead::search(x);//to
search the record

        if(i == 1000)

        return 0;

    }while(i >= 1000);

    float deposit;



        cout << "The balance is RM" <<
database[i].acc_balance << endl

             << "How
much to deposit? (0 to exit): RM";

        string temp;

        getline(cin, temp);//input amount to

        if(temp == "0")//to exit


            cerr << "\aTransaction


            return 0;


        deposit =
Account::s_to_f_convert(temp);//convert string into float

        if(deposit == 0)//for invalid input


            cerr << "\aInvalid
amount, please key in again!\n";




    database[i].acc_balance+=deposit;//get the balance after

    ofstream write;//rewrite the account.txt"Account.txt", ios::out);

    for(int j = 0; j < x; j++)


        write << database[j].acc_no << ";"

<< database[j].acc_type << ";"

<< database[j].acc_name1 << ";"

<< database[j].acc_ic1 << ";"

<< database[j].acc_contactNo1 << ";"

<< database[j].acc_address1 << ";"

<< database[j].acc_name2 << ";"

<< database[j].acc_ic2 << ";"

<< database[j].acc_contactNo2 << ";"

<< database[j].acc_address2 << ";"

<< database[j].acc_balance << ";" <<endl;



    cout << "Transaction Sucess!!!\n";


    return 0;


class CheckingAccount : protected AccountRead



        float transactionFee;

        float countFee(float balance);




        int deposit();

        int withdraw();


int CheckingAccount::deposit()



    return 0;


int CheckingAccount::withdraw()



    int x = AccountRead::read_file(1);//to read the file

    if(x == 0)//if there is no records in the textfile


        cerr << "\aNo Records Found!\n";


        return 0;


    int i;



        i = AccountRead::search(x);//to
search the record

        if(i == 1000)

        return 0;

    }while(i >= 1000);



    if(database[i].acc_balance == 0)


        cout << "\aTransaction Cancelled!\n";


        return 0;



    ofstream write;//rewrite the account.txt"Account.txt", ios::out);

    for(int j = 0; j < x; j++)


        write << database[j].acc_no << ";"

<< database[j].acc_type << ";"

<< database[j].acc_name1 << ";"

<< database[j].acc_ic1 << ";"

<< database[j].acc_contactNo1 << ";"

<< database[j].acc_address1 << ";"

<< database[j].acc_name2 << ";"

<< database[j].acc_ic2 << ";"

<< database[j].acc_contactNo2 << ";"

<< database[j].acc_address2 << ";"

<< database[j].acc_balance << ";" <<endl;



    cout << "Transaction Sucess!!!\n";


    return 0;


float CheckingAccount::countFee(float balance)


    balance = balance - transactionFee;

    return balance;


class SavingAccount : public AccountRead , public date



        int year, month, day, hour, minute,

        string dayofweek;

        float interest;



        void calculateInterest();

        void read_date();

        void trigger();

        void displayLast();

        void selectday(int day);

        void renewdate();


void SavingAccount::calculateInterest()


    int index = AccountRead::read_file(2);

    for(int i = 0; i < index; i++)


        double x = database[i].acc_balance*(interest/100);



    ofstream write;//rewrite the account.txt"Account.txt", ios::out);

    for(int j = 0; j < index; j++)


        write << database[j].acc_no << ";"

<< database[j].acc_type << ";"

<< database[j].acc_name1 << ";"

<< database[j].acc_ic1 << ";"

<< database[j].acc_contactNo1 << ";"

<< database[j].acc_address1 << ";"

<< database[j].acc_name2 << ";"

<< database[j].acc_ic2 << ";"

<< database[j].acc_contactNo2 << ";"

<< database[j].acc_address2 << ";"

<< database[j].acc_balance << ";" <<endl;   




void SavingAccount::read_date()



    ifstream read ("Login.txt", ios::in);

    char temp[255];



        ofstream write ("Login.txt", ios::out);

        write << date::year << ";" <<
date::month << ";" << date::day << ";"

<< date::hour << ";" << date::minute << ";" << date::sec << ";"

<< date::dayofweek << ";";



    read.getline(temp,255, ';');

    year = atoi(temp);

    read.getline(temp,255, ';');

    month = atoi(temp);

    read.getline(temp,255, ';');

    day = atoi(temp);

    read.getline(temp,255, ';');

    hour = atoi(temp);

    read.getline(temp,255, ';');

    minute = atoi(temp);

    read.getline(temp,255, ';');

    sec = atoi(temp);

    read.getline(temp,255, ';');

    dayofweek = temp;



void SavingAccount::trigger()




    if (year < date::year)




void SavingAccount::displayLast()



    cout << dayofweek << ", ";

    if(day < 10)

    cout << "0" << day << "-";


    cout << day << "-" ;

    if(month < 10)

    cout << "0" << month << "-";


    cout << month << "-" ;

    cout << year << ", ";

    if(hour < 10)

    cout << "0" << hour << ":";


    cout << hour << ":" ;


    if(minute < 10)

    cout << "0" << minute << ":";


    cout << minute << ":" ;


    if(sec < 10)

    cout << "0" << sec << endl;


    cout << sec << endl;


void SavingAccount::renewdate()


    ofstream write ("Login.txt", ios::out);

    write << date::year << ";" << date::month << ";" << date::day
<< ";"

          << date::hour << ";" <<
date::minute << ";" << date::sec << ";"

          << date::dayofweek <<


int main(int argc, char *argv[])


    system("color 4F");

    int x = 1;

    SavingAccount SA;

    CheckingAccount CA;


    while(x != 5)



        string respond;

        int answer;


        cout <<"Welcome to NERV Banking
System v1.1" << endl;

        cout <<"You logged in at ";


        cout << "Please select a service: "
<< endl

             << "1.
Register New Account" << endl

             << "2.
Check Account Detials" << endl

             << "3.
Desposit Money" << endl

             << "4.
Withdraw Money" << endl

             << "5.
Exit System (Logout)" << endl

"Please enter your choice: ";


        x = SA.s_to_n_convert(respond);

        switch (x)


            case 1:


int index = SA.read_file(1);

SA.input_data(index, SA.database[index-1].acc_no);break;


            case 2:

            case 3:
SA.deposit(); break;

            case 4:

            case 5: break;



cerr << "\aInvalid choice, please try again\n";







    return EXIT_SUCCESS;



Total: 870 lines ^_^

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

AHHHHHH I NEED A REST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

hmm, i think most of u know that i really bz for these few days, that the main reason that i "MIA" from my blog.
will try to blog abt all things that happen in these few week maybe by this x'mas (if i can finish my computer programming assignment 2 >_<)

things that keep me bz currently:-
1. Academic matters
- stupid lecture that i have let me having a hard timein studying
- super damn assignment that come straight after the previous just submit
- all my mid-terms are within 5 days.
2. GACC (Games Anime Comic Circle)
- stuff happen, yeah is a lot.

Thursday, December 01, 2005

A$$ignment 1

Well, until now not sure that want to blog abt what. Guess i post the "ersult" hrhar i had done for the last whole weeks.

WARNING: PLease do not try to compile it in ur brain, since will let ur brain went overload. As a recommend use Dev C++ version and above

// TCP1241 Assignment 1 Trimester 2 2005/2006
// Done by Choo Chia Poh, Teo Leong Kim, Tan Hsia-Liang
//Copy of the code is prohibited, All Right Reserved

#include <.iostream>
#include <.fstream>
#include <.string>
#include <.cstring>
#include <.conio.c>
#include <.stdlib.h>

using namespace std;
struct cust{
char username[255];
char password[255];
char name[255];
char ic[255];
char contact_no[255];
char address[255];

struct book{
char book_code[255];
char pass_name[255];
char pass_ic[255];
char flight_code[255];
char promo_code[255];
char tax[255];
char card_no[255];
int commit;

struct promo{
char promo_code[255];
char flight_code[255];
char seats_left[255];
char promo_price[255];

struct sche{
char flight_code[255];
char from[255];
char destination[255];
char date[255];
char time[255];
char price[255];
char seats_left[255];

void load_cust();
void load_book();
void load_promo();
void load_sche();
void login();
void menu1();
void menu2();
void add_entry();
void add_entry2();
void display_entry();
void display_entry2();
void add_user();
void add_book();
void modify_book();
void display_sche();
void display_book();
void add_book();
void write_entry();
void edit_pass_name(int);
void edit_card_no(int);
void edit_flight_code(int);
void edit_pass_ic(int);
void edit_promo_code(int);
void write_book();
void delete_entry();
void print();
void splash();
cust detial[30];
book book_detail[30];
promo promo_detail[30];
sche sche_detail[30];
book add_detial[1];

//Universal Variable for Login System===========================================
int total_index;
int index;

//Universal Variable for User Registration======================================
string username;
string password;
string password2;
string ic;
string contact;
string cust_name;
string address;

//Universal Variable for Modify System==========================================
int book_index;

//Universial Variable for flight timetable======================================
int sche_index;

//Universial Variable for Promo code checking===================================
int promo_index;

//Main Function=================================================================
int main()
return 0;

//Menu 1 =======================================================================
void menu1()
int choice = 1;
gotoxy(20, 5);
cout << "Welcome to Air Asia Online Reservation System" <<>> choice;
cerr << "Invalid choice, please retry again."; }while(choice<1||choice>3);

case 1: clrscr(); login(); cin.ignore(); break;
case 2: clrscr(); add_user(); cin.ignore(); break;
case 3: clrscr(); exit(1); cin.ignore(); break;

//Menu 2========================================================================
void menu2()

int choice = 1;
gotoxy(23, 3);
cout << "Welcome Mr./Ms. " <<>> choice;
gotoxy(24, 20);
cerr << "Invalid choice, please retry again."; }while(choice<1||choice>7);
case 1: clrscr(); add_book() ; cin.ignore(); break;
case 2: clrscr(); modify_book(); cin.ignore(); break;
case 3: clrscr(); delete_entry(); cin.ignore(); break;
case 4: clrscr(); display_sche(); cin.ignore(); break;
case 5: clrscr(); display_book() ; cin.ignore(); break;
case 6: clrscr(); print(); cin.ignore(); break;
case 7: clrscr(); menu1(); cin.ignore(); break;

//Loading function(customer.txt)================================================
//To load the customer.txt into the array
void load_cust()
string temp;
ifstream file_op("customer.txt", ios::in);
int i=0;
while (!file_op.eof())
file_op.getline(detial[i].username, 255, ';');
temp = detial[i].username;
strcpy(detial[i].username, temp.c_str());

file_op.getline(detial[i].password, 255, ';');
temp = detial[i].password;
strcpy(detial[i].password, temp.c_str());

file_op.getline(detial[i].name, 2000, ';');
temp = detial[i].name;
strcpy(detial[i].name, temp.c_str());

file_op.getline(detial[i].ic, 2000, ';');
temp = detial[i].ic;
strcpy(detial[i].ic, temp.c_str());

file_op.getline(detial[i].contact_no, 2000, ';');
temp = detial[i].contact_no;
strcpy(detial[i].contact_no, temp.c_str());

file_op.getline(detial[i].address, 2000, ';');
temp = detial[i].address;
strcpy(detial[i].address, temp.c_str());

total_index = i;


//Loading function(booking.txt)=================================================
//To load the booking.txt into the array
void load_book()
string temp;
ifstream file_op("booking.txt", ios::in);
int i=0;
while (!file_op.eof())
file_op.getline(book_detail[i].book_code, 255, ';');
temp = book_detail[i].book_code;
strcpy(book_detail[i].book_code, temp.c_str());

file_op.getline(book_detail[i].pass_name, 255, ';');
temp = book_detail[i].pass_name;
strcpy(book_detail[i].pass_name, temp.c_str());

file_op.getline(book_detail[i].pass_ic, 255, ';');
temp = book_detail[i].pass_ic;
strcpy(book_detail[i].pass_ic, temp.c_str());

file_op.getline(book_detail[i].flight_code, 255, ';');
temp = book_detail[i].flight_code;
strcpy(book_detail[i].flight_code, temp.c_str());

file_op.getline(book_detail[i].promo_code, 255, ';');
temp = book_detail[i].promo_code;
strcpy(book_detail[i].promo_code, temp.c_str());

file_op.getline(book_detail[i].tax, 255, ';');
temp = book_detail[i].tax;
strcpy(book_detail[i].tax, temp.c_str());

file_op.getline(book_detail[i].card_no, 255, ';');
temp = book_detail[i].card_no;
strcpy(book_detail[i].card_no, temp.c_str());

book_detail[i].commit = 0;
book_index = i;

//Loading function(promotion.txt)===============================================
//To load the promotion.txt into the array
void load_promo()
string temp;
ifstream file_op("promotion.txt", ios::in);
int i=0;
while (!file_op.eof())
file_op.getline(promo_detail[i].promo_code, 255, ';');
temp = promo_detail[i].promo_code;
strcpy(promo_detail[i].promo_code, temp.c_str());

file_op.getline(promo_detail[i].flight_code, 255, ';');
temp = promo_detail[i].flight_code;
strcpy(promo_detail[i].flight_code, temp.c_str());

file_op.getline(promo_detail[i].seats_left, 255, ';');
temp = promo_detail[i].seats_left;
strcpy(promo_detail[i].seats_left, temp.c_str());

file_op.getline(promo_detail[i].promo_price, 255, ';');
temp = promo_detail[i].promo_price;
strcpy(promo_detail[i].promo_price, temp.c_str());

promo_index = i;

//Loading function(schedule.txt)===============================================
//To load the schedule.txt into the array
void load_sche()
string temp;
ifstream file_op("schedule.txt", ios::in);
int i=0;
while (!file_op.eof())
file_op.getline(sche_detail[i].flight_code, 255, ';');
temp = sche_detail[i].flight_code;
strcpy(sche_detail[i].flight_code, temp.c_str());

file_op.getline(sche_detail[i].from, 255, ';');
temp = sche_detail[i].from;
strcpy(sche_detail[i].from, temp.c_str());

file_op.getline(sche_detail[i].destination, 255, ';');
temp = sche_detail[i].destination;
strcpy(sche_detail[i].destination, temp.c_str());

file_op.getline(sche_detail[i].date, 255, ';');
temp = sche_detail[i].date;
strcpy(sche_detail[i].date, temp.c_str());

file_op.getline(sche_detail[i].time, 255, ';');
temp = sche_detail[i].time;
strcpy(sche_detail[i].time, temp.c_str());

file_op.getline(sche_detail[i].price, 255, ';');
temp = sche_detail[i].price;
strcpy(sche_detail[i].price, temp.c_str());

file_op.getline(sche_detail[i].seats_left, 255, ';');
temp = sche_detail[i].seats_left;
strcpy(sche_detail[i].seats_left, temp.c_str());

sche_index = i;

//The login function for the system

void login()
load_cust();//load customer textfile to memory
int ch, i;
char username[255];
//for username
for(int chance = 0; chance <3; i =" 0;" i="0;" result =" 0;" result =" 2;" result ="="" result ="="" result ="="" chance ="="" index =" i;//to" chance =" 0;">> password;
int result;
result = 0;
result = 2;
if(result == 2 && chance <= 1) { gotoxy(24,20); cerr << "Password incorrect!"; } else if(result == 2 && chance == 2) { gotoxy(16,20); cerr << "Invalid password have key in, program exiting....."; getch(); exit(1); } else if (result == 0) break; }; system("cls"); menu2(); } //============================================================================== //User Registration============================================================= void add_user() { char answer, answer2; ofstream read("customer.txt", ios::out|ios::app); do{ do{ clrscr(); add_entry(); clrscr(); display_entry(); gotoxy(20, 17); cout << "Are the details above are correct? (Y/N): "; cin >> answer;
gotoxy(20, 17);
cout << "Do you want to reenter your entry? (Y/N): "; cin >> answer2;
else if(answer=='y'||answer=='Y')
read <<>> username;
password = 'asd';
password2 = 'wewqe';
while (password != password2)

cout << "Please enter a password: "; cin >> password;

cout <<"Please enter the password again: "; cin >> password2;
if(password != password2)
cout << "Both password are unmatch, please enter the password again.\n"; } }; cin.ignore(); cout << "Please enter your name: "; getline(cin,cust_name); cout << "Please enter your IC No.: "; cin >> ic;

cout << "Please enter your contact number: "; cin >> contact;

cout << "Please enter your address: "; getline(cin,address); } //============================================================================== //User Registration (Display)=================================================== void display_entry() { gotoxy(24, 5); cout << "Username : " << booking="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="" entry="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="" temp4 =" 0;" temp3="1;" temp =" atoi(book_detail[book_index-2].book_code);" i ="0;" temp =" strcmp(add_detial[0].flight_code,sche_detail[i].flight_code);" temp="="0)" i ="0;" temp =" strcmp(add_detial[0].promo_code,promo_detail[i].promo_code);" temp="="0)" temp2 =" i;" temp3="strcmp(add_detial[0].flight_code,promo_detail[temp2].flight_code);" temp4 =" atoi(promo_detail[temp2].seats_left);" temp =" 1;" temp="="1)" entry="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="">> answer;
if (tolower(answer)!='y'&& tolower(answer)!='n')
cout << "You have enter a invalid respond, please try again\n"; }while(tolower(answer)!='y'&& tolower(answer)!='n'); } //============================================================================== //Write booking entry to text file============================================== void write_entry() { ofstream write("booking.txt", ios::out|ios::app); write << booking="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="" i =" 1;" temp =" i;">> num;
if (num<1||num>temp)
cout << "Invalid choice, please retry again."; } while (num<1||num>temp);

cout << "Please choose the attribute that you want to edit:" <<>> choice;
cerr << "Invalid choice, please retry again."; }while(choice<1||choice>6);
case 1: clrscr(); edit_pass_name(num); break;
case 2: clrscr(); edit_pass_ic(num); break;
case 3: clrscr(); edit_flight_code(num); break;
case 4: clrscr(); edit_promo_code(num); break;
case 5: clrscr(); edit_card_no(num); break;
case 6: clrscr(); write_book();menu2(); break;
}while(choice != 8);

//Edit pass_name================================================================
void edit_pass_name(int num)
char temp[255];
//cout << card_no="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="" flight_code="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="" i ="0;" temp =" strcmp(book_detail[num].flight_code,sche_detail[i].flight_code);" temp="="0)" pass_ic="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="" promo_code="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="" temp4 =" 0;" temp3="1;" i ="0;" temp =" strcmp(book_detail[num].promo_code,promo_detail[i].promo_code);" temp="="0)" temp2 =" i;" temp3="strcmp(book_detail[num].flight_code,promo_detail[temp2].flight_code);" temp4 =" atoi(promo_detail[temp2].seats_left);" temp =" 1;" temp="="1)" txt="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="" i =" 0;" detial="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="" j =" 0;" k =" 0;" i =" 1;" i =" 0;" timetable="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="" i =" 1;" entry="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="" i =" 1;" temp =" i;">> num;
if (num<1||num>temp)
cout << "Invalid choice, please retry again.\n"; } while (num<1||num>temp);

book_detail[num].commit = 1;

ofstream write("booking.txt", ios::out);
write << "B"; for (int i = 0; i < commit ="="" print="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="="" i =" 0;" j =" 1;">> respond;

//To get the ticket price
check3 = strcmp(temp_arr[respond].promo_code,"0");
if(check3 == 0)
for(int i = 0; i < check="strcmp(temp_arr[respond].flight_code,sche_detail[i].flight_code);" check ="="0)" temp1 =" atof(sche_detail[i].price);" i =" 0;" check="strcmp(temp_arr[respond].flight_code,promo_detail[i].flight_code);" check ="="0)" temp1 =" atof(promo_detail[i].promo_price);" i =" 0;" check2 ="strcmp(temp_arr[respond].flight_code,sche_detail[i].flight_code);" check2="="0)">***********<> " << endl;
cout << " ******** " << endl;
cout << " ****** " << endl;
cout << " **** " << endl;
cout << " ** " << endl;
cout << " * " << endl << "\n";
cout << " ~~~~ Now Everyone Can Fly ~~~~";

Friday, November 25, 2005


hmm, sorry for the no updates for the pass week since i very bz with a lot of things including the assignment. will try to update once i finish my assignment.
*off to prepare to class*

Monday, November 07, 2005

Back to MLK

yes i am back to MLK. and just browse through for the stuff to download.
basically nth much can really blog abt it since keep repeating the same thing everyday (get up, breakfast, read newspaper, play games, lunch, play games again, bath, dinner, play games again, sleep). >_<

Thursday, November 03, 2005


This post is dedicated to my uncle Mr Frank Soh who passed away yesterday morning.
R.I.P. Sok Sok (Mean uncle in cantonese)

Sunday, October 30, 2005

a bit bored holiday

well to recall what i had done in this holiday, currently ==> nope.
actually i was planned to pick up some programming language. but due to my personal problem (lazy and money) that make me drop up this plan. so basically currently doesn't have any plan to spend my following holiday. but there is quite a few events happen during my holiday which might blog after the holidays. what should be surprise is that i finish reading a book. some of you might ask that why is strange that finish reading a book, but those who know me well will feel that reading a book during non-exam time for me is kind of alien action, most of the time u can see me reading newspaper (which i would spend 1 1/2 - 2 hours per day) or playing comp. reading and doing revision is something that not my style. actually for my whole secondary school i only read one book during non-exam time, and that book title is "romance of three kingdoms". and the reason for reading that book ==> coz addict with the game >_<
so this time the book that i finish read the title is "My Story - Lim Goh Tong". yes is the book that feature the famous Uncle Lim of m'sia. you can said i quite bored in these few days. the time that i spend to read is when i was playing football manager. O__O yes i read while i was playing. basically those who play football manager before would know that there will be a lot of time use to process a day in the game. so i use the time to read some of the pages and eventually i finish reading the whole book. yeah, reading a book is something that i would normally wouldn't do.XD
currently something sad is happening around me. will blog this matter after the sad event is over.
and i would wish all my muslim friend Selamat Hari raya :D

Thursday, October 27, 2005

Strange Dream

very sorry for not blogging so long. These few days not feeling well and also the unstabality of my connection is the reason that not blogging so long >_<
A few days ago i had this strange dream, i dream that one of my good friend is going to married. at first i wouldn't believe it since i never heard that she has a boyfriend. and i come back from MLK to attend the dinner. just the night before the dinner i heard that this dinner is actually just want to fool all of the guest. name is a wedding dinner, but the truth is just a gathering O__O;;; and my friend also will not have any loss since the dinner will be paid with all the angpaw that recieve during that night. then i woke up. until now i still feel strange about this dream, on how the earth i have this strange dream >_>

oh yeah, is been comfirm that i will be back to MLK the 1st monday after the Raya. and yes, i can continue download anime again ^_^

Sunday, October 23, 2005

Friday, October 14, 2005

holidays update!!

gah, that it. i will not buy any prolink products. the driver that they provide in the website are useless. i have downloaded many times still cannot install in my comp. ger.....

just finish the game nobunaga no yabou 12. twice :D is very nice game. superb graphics, and yes the version that i play is in japanese (the second japanese game that i play after Romance of Three Kingdom 10, reasons? can't wait for the chinese version to come up). is quite hard to play at the first place, but then is become very easy after u know the way to play.

finish watching densha otoko, iriya, and starship operators (yeah, i know a lot will ask why, but i think is nice). what going next will be gundam seed, gundam seed destiny, engine (j-drama), yumeria and also narue no sekai. hope that can finish it all before back to mlk ^__^

Monday, October 10, 2005


*currently using his bro's comp*
will not update until i found the freaking modem driver for my comp *_*

Thursday, October 06, 2005

End of exam!!!!

*Listening Densha Otoko OST _|¯|O*

Finally i finish my exams..... somehow people around me were not look that good, said that going to prepare for their supp. >_> but for me i think is ok wa (hope no supp please m(_ _)m)

monday (3rd october) is Yuhi's birthday. That night all of us gather at Li Sa's house and have a BBQ party there. I arrived quite early, and help them to make the fire (is that the rite word? i know chinese call 起火). and what the continue can read from edo's blog ^__^

then the next day is my housemate - kongy's birthday. Err... we didn't really "celebrate it" since all of us still got exam (except my bro). We brought the cake and due to various reason the cake still uncutted and is in the fridge >_<||| Currently in madness with densha otoko. Just finish the whole series (yeah, when still i have exam >_<), really funny and touch. I would suggest everyone to watch this, its really nice!! (english sub currently only until episode 4, so if you can't wait can get the soft sub). And last


Saturday, October 01, 2005

Exam Week

*Currently in "Holiday" mode*

Finish 4 exams this week, and left one which in Thursday (whole 6 days free >_<) Currently feel very very lazy to read since the last paper is English.

Basically what i did for the whole week is almost the same. morning exam, afternoon fren come my house study (and also sleep), night went to another fren house and study again.

About my test i think is ok gua, since i can answer the questions (although doesn't have much confident with it >_<).

And another thing, My ATM card was makan by the stupid ATM >_< why it happen? as usual i took out the card after i key in the amount that i want to take out, but then this time the ATM keep beeping and ask me to take out the card!!! so i think of insert the card again and see. who knows that my card got makan!!! $@#$&^%*&^*(&(* stupid ATM!!

GSD finale is in 2molo, hope that the fight is superb nice.

Thursday, September 22, 2005

Rush Hour

is less then 36 freaking hours to the due date of our Computer Programming Assignment and we haven finish more then 30% of it. + need to do the documentation, haven finish study for my exam........
And the worst is that my tutor went to KL for the whole week and i donno who can i go ask my problem (Lecturer? went ask her last time said donno, malas want to find her again)
/me back to think abt my assignment......

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Watashi daijobu desu

*Downloading Bleach 48

i know that there is a strange post title "was" previously. Due to some connection problem that why i can't login to blogger to edit the post >__<

Yeah i am fine currently, thx for the ones that talk to me after the "event" happens. I am alright, just that i was fustrated after a whole week long of things and my performance on that night.
After the "event" found out that there is quite a lot of problem in it. Currently trying to solve these problem one by one, although is impossible to solve it throughly but i try to makes the effect as minimun as possible.
To those who know that is this "event", you will expect me for more strict with it next time. I don't want to let it be a dream, but i want to make it a legend. And the most important thing is that i want to do it in "Our" way, not my way or someone's way.

My studies currently it should be ok, i not sure that does i prepare for the exam or not since there is a lot of thing that i might know but at the same time i feels that i doesn't know the thing >__<
TCP assignment 3... still clueless about that..... die.....

Saturday, September 10, 2005

Tough Week

*Just finish my 2nd tough week of this sem... (i will going to died if having any more this kind of week in this sem)

All about last 5 days

[Monday] CCNA skill base exam, somehow doesn't like "exam". More like a discussion session since you can copy other answers openly. After that is the Math Tutorial Session....
[Tuesday] TCE lab test. thx god that nick n jason help, or else we sure cannot get the circuit run again >__<
[Wednesday] TMT test 2. Got a feeling that can do, but then also unsure is correct or not...
[Thursday] Screening & SRC session. 1st time bring my system to campus, somehow feels that my comp is getting heavier then last time. After the testing when to the SRC session with yuhi and yiyang. Overroll the session is like a drama, and us as the scriptwriter and also the audiences XP. Is really funny to see that some of the excos respond are very "smart", a lot of examples came up but non of them seems relevent to the topic >_<. Also one of the excos came out a $mart idea which normal people wouldn't think or consider it. After end the president came and have a talk with me, we exchange some ideas and said that if can go find him when having problem.
[Friday] PES presentation. Finish the flash slide 35 minits before the presentation (due to overslept >__<), the question is the lecturer seems like don't really care about that *_*. Overroll look ok with me since everyone doesn't not rely on their paper in hand while present. The funny thing is that due to the wireless microphone that we use, the class beside can hear our presentation oso!! >___<
After the presentation back home rush my Database System Project which due on 5pm. Around noon i came out a crazy idea where i suggest to add a few more functions in the system which normally won't do especially is just a few hours before the dateline. We try to do it but it can't works, so we decide to find our tutor. When step into her room we saw there is another group is inside. After that know that our problem is same with theirs. Since i found there is a syntax about it but i didn't save it in my thumbdrive, so me and john when to CLC (stupid they shut down the access point) and library to find the web site that i found. then we went back and show to our tutor, but after viewing the example she said currently seems impossible for doing that. We were a bit dissapoint so we decide to go back to get done the ones that we haven finish yet. When we walk to the stairs John suggest we go find our lecture see if he in his room or not. I took it as a gamble so we go find the lecturer. As John knock the door and we heard that someone saying "Come In" we were like YES!!! and quickly get into the room. After some explaination of our project and the problems, he ask us to show him the diagram and the code and i start thinking the syntax for us. We were in his room for like one and a half hour for testing the code again and again since the code doesn't seems working as what as expect. After a few rounds of testing we finally get the thing works and he start to explain about what actually went wrong. We were very happy about it since finally we solve the problem. When finish coding i looked at my watch ---> its 4.30PM already!!! We quickly take our leave and rush to my tutor's room. We gave her the code and she agrees that extend the due date until tommorow, YAY!!! after that we went back to my house and start doing the undone part. Althought we have the code but then it still have problems with it. After try out another few time we finally finish the whole thing at around 11pm. It feels statisfy for finishing after all these hard work. ^__^
Actually want to start study Computer Programming but i too tired to read so when to sleep after finish my dinner.
[Saturday] Wake up at around 4.30am and study for the lab test which is on 9am (yeah, is super late revision). And as expected i can't do most of the question and this time sure fail 1 >__<
Currently wandering around in front of my comp, donno want to do wat except for studying (lazy....)

Monday, September 05, 2005


seems that is more then 1 week since i blog.... hmm, actually quite bz for these comming few weeks.
August 31, as what kid has post in the tagboard we went to yum cha that morning. We were talking and chatting a lot of things, yeah, including some "Serious" stuff ^_^.
Then last Saturday went to MHSfor the anime fest. hmm, not feeling like type too much (malas), for more detials can refer to lisa's blog ^__^. and yeah after that went to MP for lunch and also had a game of bowling game. I was playing quite nice at start (not much longkang as last time, seems that the "Traning" during last break at KL start to have some result). but then i still use my "Taichi" since my finger were hurt (*ouch!!). Then after that went to jonker street, we went to the cendol shop where i never went before (rarely go to town, no car T_T). The taste, quite ok la. Just that the gula melaka is quite sticky and makes it feels a bit strange. Then after that we went to teencom to buy some stuff. come back at around 6 and have a sleep. When woke up went to cahaya dinar there yumcha with others.
Then yesterday woke up a bit late, rush for the flash presentation (till now i haven finish >__< thinking dropping the project T__T), then went for the EMiNA meeting. Do things until 4 something then went back home to get some stuff then went back campus again. then went to john's house after dinner to discuss abt the assignments.
Things to do ahead (this week):
- PES presentation (I haven finish the flash >_<)
- CCNA Skill base Exam (Going to hamtam)
- TMT test 2 (Last test i failed, this time..... lagi i haven start study yet)
- TCE lab test (Also hamtam only)
- TDB Project (due this week, still have a LOT haven done yet)
- TCP lab-test 2 (uncomfirm yet)
- Preparing Proposel
- And also might hold a meeting
Currently i don't feel presure eventhough have a lot of things to do. Just now lagi play nobunaga 12 and won the game (finally!!) somehow i don't really care abt most thing...... donno why ?_?

Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Trip back JB

Sorry 4 not blogging 4 a long time. The whole last week I was totally busy with my assignments. As what I blog on my previous post, our PES assignment are well done, now left is the presentation which should be around next week. TCP assignment are also quite ok, just tat found out that I left out of something after hand up the assignment >_< The only assignment I dissatisfied is the TDB assignment. Although we rush the phase 1 documentation be4 the dateline, but I feel that there is a lot of things that need to modify. Maybe will edit be4 hand up the 2nd phase.

Last Friday attended my old school's PBSM majlis perpisahan. During the chat with the current hi-comms found out that their situation not very good. Although that they had archived the best result compare to few years ago, a lot of internal problems raised up along the year. This makes me feel a bit worried because this may cause a big trouble if this continues. Personally I had been through this “Big Trouble”, and is very hard for solving this “Big Problem”. That why along with my friends we were tried to avoid this kind of thing happen again. ~sigh, somehow feels that might as well with other seniors of the club, just don’t care anything for less worries. But then if I just don’t care seems like against with my responsible as a senior…

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Assignment, Assignmet and Assignment

*Downloading ubuntu live cd for any in case of windows crash*
it 5.27am now, and i just wake up. And what the heck that i wake up now rather than still in dreamland like others, hmmm.... is because 1 magic word ---- Assignment T_T
This week i got 3 Assigments that have to be done, or else the one that have be done is me T_T

let me list down the assignments that i have to do....

[PES] Technical Communication Technical Report. Due date yesterday. There are quite few problem for doing this report, and because something happen so that i become the person who command the whole team (yes you didn't heard it wrong, is command >_<). But then currently feels like all the hard work are well paid because our report is the only report that Mdm Kavitha accept (there is another team that pass up early and i not sure that they have been reject or not, but mostly not since it wass done by a particular person). What about others? they all were being rejected for missing up some parts and have to modify it before today noon. hmm, basically i can't really think that our report will be accepted after i saw most of the reports were rejected. But i feel very relex walking out of the class because that finally finish one assignment.
Current situation: Preparation for Presentation which should be around week after. By the dateline i set should be done by this sunday, but thinking about postpone the dateline due to there is another 2 assignments need to be done by this week also.

[TCP] Computer Programming Assignment 2. My first assignment (Draw flowchart) is a fail, since i draw a wrong flowchart >_<. So i working hard for this assignment so that it will not fail again (my lab test also fail >___<). The dateline should be last friday, but donno what happen they decide to postpone it to this week. And the important thing is that they only announce at thursday!!!! >_<|||
My program currently running smoothly, had finish around 93%. just that got a minor problem when i try to key in the values again. The asssignment i have been put aside since last wednesday since i had to rush for the PES Technical report.

[TDB] Datebase Project, this friday is the due date for phase 1 which contains all the paperworks. Current progress: 40%. We had problem with the E-R Diagram, and everytime after seeing the tutor sure will have changes on the diagram. Yesterday only finalize the whole thing (i guess, since the tutor says that it should be ok) now have to move in the the next step for drawing detials diagram. Currently still can't contact one of the group members, somehow he can't get my YM ofline msg or wat, not very sure about that. ~sigh.......

p/s: Shuffle! game OP is nicer that the anime OP (i like the arrows >__<)

pp/s: Listening to Soviet Union National Anthem will make you awake. Don't believe, try it. Ahh and also it must be the original one, not the midi.