Tuesday, March 29, 2005

Earthquake happen again!!

*Currently downloading Air 12 and Starship Operators 07 (i know yuhi will nag again when he see this, ahh don't care XDXD)*

today morning around 12 o clock (M'sia) an 8.2 R.S. earthquake happen at indonesia outshore. that time i was.... looking the new release anime. then suddenly kakash1n msg me ask me that got feel any shake, but then time i was sitting on my director chair and shaking my leg (habit of mine ><) so i didn't feel anything also. then he told me that he just now feel shaking and there is possiblity that is another earthquake. then i look my Y!M, some of my frenz put their status "earthquake" etc. after that piggiee came in my room and told me that he also felt shaking because he was lying on his bed (although is REALLY STRANGE for him lying on his bed at that time since he is a self-proclaim and being recognise as the vampire ><). then tiong told me that there is a earthquake happen at outshore of west sumatera with R.S of 8.2. damn, since last time earthquake i didn't feel anything about it, then now oso cannot feel >< ahhh, don't care anything that time and watch GSD 23 that i just finished download. i was watching at the climax part then.... file corrupted, WTH!!!! no choice i have to skip the part and redownload again after this. then suddently the guard downstairs start to call everyone to come down, that was already near 1am and the earthquake was like, an hour ago? now only call us to evacuate ><. me and my housemate were thinking want to go down or not. then we decide walk down and see what happening. almost all the people in EP were gather at the space between the block B and block C, and donno what for what. i was chatting with others and ask them got feel anything or not. then some of my frens call home and said that penang island there people can feel the shake very strong. i didn't call back home because my credit is expire, + is already 1am, my parents sure sleep 1, and the most important part, i sure JB can't feel any shake 1 since i never feel once before.
then after that we decide to go petronas and have "Syntium". but just as we going to walk across the main road, the management allow us go go back our room ><. then we decide to walk back.
BTW, i still can't understand how to see the timetable fpr Beta year >.<

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